Living at such a fast pace in New York City, it can be hard to slow down. 10 million people buzzing about, with 10 million things to do. A birthday party with friends or a night out on the town is nothing short of a wild ride. Sure, it’s fun to have a blast but sometimes its more important to stop, reflect, and connect with your company. That is why it was so refreshing to spend this intimate evening with Samar and her friends.

The ambience of the location couldn’t have been more perfect for a relaxing gathering. Conversations could easily be heard and the seating allowed for comfortable and easy mingling.

If you know Samar, you know that she is a strong and independent person who nicely balances confidence with a sweet and loving personality. But, if you don’t know her, you can always tell the character of a person by their collection of friends. This was definitely a beautiful group of people, inside and out.

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